Why Diamonds for April?
Diamond jewelry makes the ideal birthday gift for anyone born in April. First and foremost, diamonds are the official birthstone for April. This connection adds a personal touch, symbolizing purity, strength, and everlasting love. Diamonds have a timeless beauty and exceptional durability, ensuring that the jewelry will be cherished and worn for years to come. Whether it's a dazzling diamond ring, a sparkling pendant, or elegant diamond earrings, diamonds are luxurious, making the wearer feel special. Diamonds hold significant sentimental value, representing milestones, achievements, and cherished memories, making them a cherished and unforgettable gift for someone celebrating their birthday in April.

The History of Birth Stones
It’s uncertain where the origins of each birthstone comes from but some theories trace back to ancient times, and could even be biblical. It’s said priest's breastplates featured 12 assorted gems, representing the zodiac signs and their corresponding months. Over time, this evolved into wearing a different colored stone each month as a form of good fortune. Initially, people would rotate through all twelve stones, aligning with the current month for optimal benefits. As beliefs in the mystical properties of these gems grew, individuals began wearing the stone that correlates to their own birth month consistently throughout the year. In 1912, the American National Association of Jewelers established an official list assigning different gems to each month, a tradition that was initially met with skepticism but has since become widely accepted.
Source: American Gem Society
What is a Diamond?
A diamond is a remarkable gemstone known for its extraordinary beauty, hardness, and brilliance. Composed of carbon atoms arranged in a crystal lattice structure, real, natural Earth Born Diamonds™ are formed deep within the Earth's mantle under intense pressure and heat over millions of years. Their clarity and colorlessness, along with the ability to refract and disperse light, give diamonds their characteristic sparkle and fire. Diamonds have a range of quality and value which is graded by gemologists based on the 4Cs - cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. They are not only prized for their use in exquisite jewelry but also hold symbolic meanings of love, strength, and eternity, making them one of the most coveted and cherished gemstones in the world.
Top Birthday Gifts
We have thousands of beautiful pieces available featuring real, natural Earth Born diamonds™. Depending on the style, budget, and what you’re looking for, we have the perfect gift for the loved ones with April birthdays in your life. Here are a few top choices

Diamond Studs
Diamond stud earrings are a staple and classic. This is a piece that will never go out of style and can be worn every single day. The best part, all our diamond studs come with a full value lifetime upgrade making it a gift that keeps on giving. Say “Happy Birthday”, “I love you”, and “I appreciate you” all in one gift with real, natural diamond stud earrings.

Butterfly and Flower Jewelry
April brings vibrant blossoms and natural beauty. If someone is born in April, it’s a sure thing they love the spring. A butterfly or flower themed piece of diamond jewelry incorporates both the season they were born and their birthstone. This will make a beautiful and sentimental birthday gift.

Tennis Bracelet
What’s better than a diamond? More diamonds! A tennis bracelet is a string of diamonds that connect around the wrist. This is another timeless jewelry piece. You can’t go wrong with a tennis bracelet. We have a wide range so no matter which you choose, it will be an excellent choice.
Win with Diamonds
For those born in April, you are one of the lucky ones! It’s just another excuse to get more diamonds. And if you know someone born in April and you’re looking for a gift, diamonds are an easy win! Great diamond jewelry doesn’t have to be expensive. We have a huge range of real diamond jewelry to fit any budget and any style.
Need help picking out the perfect piece? Our team of real expert jewelers are available to help!